School Attendance Information
Chappell students should be at school, on time, each day. If a student is to be absent, parents should call the school before 8:30 am at 773-534-2390 (Ext. 0). A voicemail system is available. If a child is ill, please be specific about symptoms when you call. In this way, our nurse can follow up, if necessary, with steps for a safe return to class. The CPS automated phone calling system will still call parents later in the day to report an absence.
An excused absence is an absence which the school has reviewed and determined that it meets the following legal requirements for an excused absence: Student illness, Death in the immediate family, Family emergency, Observation of a religious holiday, Circumstances causing reasonable concern for the student's health or safety, Other situations out of the control of the student, as determined by the principal.
Any child arriving after students are escorted to class by their teacher must obtain a tardy pass in the main lobby or office.
For more information on the importance of good school attendance, view this youtube video.